Happy New Year! I’m thrilled that my debut novel, WHITE MULBERRY, will be published this winter 2024 by Lake Union. I am especially excited that my novel is coming out during my 60th birthday year. What a perfect birthday present!

In the upcoming months, I will send short newsletter updates to share what’s new in my publishing journey. My plan is to focus on what’s happening next with the book, any events coming up, and highlight any news and media coverage, such as interviews and podcasts. I will be updating my website too, so please check it out periodically!


My first event for 2024 is a publishing panel I’m participating in with amazing authors Mathieu Cailler, Leland Cheuk and Jimin Han on Friday, January 19th. Here is the flyer for the event.

Get Published event poster

The second event is the next day, Saturday, January 20th, at Pages a Bookstore in Manhattan Beach, where I will be in conversation with author and friend Jimin Han about her book The Apology. It is also open to the public so please stop by.

Event flyer - Rosa Easton and Jimin Han

Last, but not least, I will be participating in the PV Writes Together Anthology Reading on Wednesday, January 24th. I will be reading an essay I wrote about my trip to Korea with my daughter. It’s the eighth year I’ve participated in this great community-building event, and I hope to see you there.

PV Writes Together featuring Rosa Easton

Writing Update

I’ve been buried in the first round of developmental edits for WHITE MULBERRY. It’s been intense and time-consuming, but I know my novel will be stronger as a result. I’m about half-way through the editor’s notes, and I just had an editorial call this week to go over questions. It was thrilling to have three Lake Union editors and my agent there for guidance and support! I have the dream WHITE MULBERRY team!

Zoom screen with Rosa Kwon Easton

I have until the end of this month to finish this round of edits, and February to complete the second round. Next will be copyediting and cover selection this spring. I will have to do some publicity and marketing along the way too. I don’t always post as much as I should on social media, but I hope you will follow me @rosakwoneaston to keep up with my latest news.

The publication process is nerve-wracking, so I’m trying to have balance by taking walks and doing self-care. My book will be in print before I know it!

What I’m Reading

The Woman Warrior book coverI’ve decided to dedicate this part of my newsletter to books that have inspired me to become a writer.

Written in 1976, The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston is the first memoir I read where I saw myself on the pages of a book. It is an immigrant story of a young Chinese American girl struggling to reconcile her Chinese heritage with her emerging American self. WHITE MULBERRY also deals with cultural identity because it’s about a Korean girl coming of age in Japan in the 1930s and the conflicts she faces fitting in. I absolutely loved The Woman Warrior and I think you will too.

Picture of the Day

Rosa Kwon Easton

My writer friend took this photo when I was at Ragdale in Lake Forest, Illinois working on my revisions this past December. She called it my author “glamour” shot. I was laughing like crazy when she took it.

I appreciate you following me on this journey and cheering me on. I always love hearing from you. Please comment below if you have time!

Wishing you a joyful 2024!