I am pleased to share some exciting upcoming events.

Your Story is the Peninsula’s Story

I wrote an article about two digital storytelling projects that I am participating in at the Palos Verdes Library. The first one is “Your Story is the Peninsula’s Story,” which is a photo and document scanning event coming up this Saturday, February 23rd from 1-5 pm. While I contributed some family photos previously, this time I will be volunteering to help collect materials from community members to add to the digital archives.  SEE MY ARTICLE

Women & Power:  Sharing Stories

Rosa Easton making a video that preserves a storyThe second library project is the Listening Station’s “Women & Power: Sharing Stories.” The Listening Station is a recording booth that allows two people or more to have a conversation. The topic is how women experience power. I recorded a story about becoming a U.S. citizen that I am turning into a short video. As part of Women’s History Month, my video and five others will be premiered on Tuesday, March 5th at 6 pm. MORE INFORMATION

What’s in a Name?

Women's History Month at Palos Verdes Library District
Finally, I have been invited to be on a panel as part of the library’s Women’s History Month program titled – “What’s in a Name.” I will share a short story about my name and participate in a moderated discussion on Saturday, March 16th from 10 am to 12 noon.  MORE INFORMATION

All of these events take place in the Peninsula Center Library Community Room. Please come to one or all! I would love to see you there!

I also want to remind you of my live storytelling sessions with Expressing Motherhood at the end of April and beginning of May. Click for more information.